It is important to know what your listing agent is going to do for YOU in order to sell your home. Buying and selling are very big moments in your life. Make sure you are aware of everything your listing agent may or may not do in order to get it sold. Continue reading to find out everything the Rhae Group does to get your home on the market, and SOLD!
Market Analysis
Prior to our first meeting, we will prepare a full market report for your home, including comps that have sold in the area, a price estimate that we think we can get for your home, insights and stats for the neighborhood (for all of you number people!).
Photos and Video
You hired us as your listing agent, so what comes next? We work closely with our photographer and our videographer to make sure all of our clients receive top quality content. We will capture professional photos of the interior, exterior and drone shots of the surrounding area. We will also do a full video walkthrough of the home, to make sure all of the features of your home are put on a spotlight. All of this is at no extra cost to you; it’s something that we find important in the sale of your home.
Sometimes a home needs some more art on the walls or some pops of color. Some even need a full furniture redo. We have multiple storage units full of furniture and decor items, ready to be set in your home. Although we normally will only do full staging when the home is not occupied, we can accommodate to the needs of our sellers. Staging your home has been proven to sell faster and for more money, so it is definitely something to keep in mind and might be a good option for you.
At the Rhae Group, we make it a point to market your home everywhere we can. Aside from the usual MLS and Zillow, we put all new listings on social media, our website and YouTube. It is a great way to get more eyes on your house for sale, which means more potential buyers. Another big part of our marketing is through flyers and open houses. We create and print flyers for each of our listings, so that people driving by have a physical item to look at and take with them. Open houses are something that we love to do, to really showcase your home and be able to talk with potential buyers as well as buyer’s agent. It gives us a chance to answer questions on the spot.
I’ve said this before, and I am going to say it again. Interview your agent before signing any agreements with them! Ask them the tough questions, ask what they will do to get the home sold, ask them about the area, etc. Having an agent that is familiar with the area is what makes the difference between a good agent, and a great one!
If you’re looking to sell your home, get in contact with us and we will take it from there.