Hard to believe we are already so close to March 2023! Colorado likes to give us a “fool’s spring”. It’s warm and sunny for a couple of days which gives you all of the gardening dreams! And then it blizzards for three days straight…
While we’re couped up waiting for the warm half of spring time, it’s time to start thinking about your spring cleaning! I don’t know about you but I prefer to do one or two big projects per weekend. That way I don’t start too many projects at once and not have time to finish them all. Let’s get into some of my go to spring cleaning checklist items!

1. Clean out the fridge, pantry and cupboards
I don’t know why, but whether I am doing a quick pick-up or a full day of cleaning, I always start in the kitchen. I think maybe because if I get lazy or don’t have time to get to the rest of the house, then at least the kitchen and main area are clean for when it comes time for dinner (and to dirty it up again. ugh).
Go through your fridge, pantry and cupboards. Throw out any expired food or leftovers that never got eaten. This is a great time to just take everything out of these areas and really give each space a full wipe down. From the shelves and drawers to the outside of the doors and door handles. It’s also a great time to set your oven to it’s cleaning mode and let it do the work for you.
2. Clean those soft surfaces!
Take off all of the cushions to your chairs, couches, move the rugs, remove pillow coverings if possible and get to it. So much dust, pet hair and food crumbs get stuck in these soft surfaces so it’s a great idea to use this time to get out that vacuum attachment to remove everything stuck under the cushions. Put the pillow covers, throw blankets and any other washable linens in the wash. Once you put them back you get a fresh washed scent through the whole area!
Get those cute rugs out of the way. Small things always sneak under there, so now is the time to take the vacuum and mop to these “untouched” areas of your home! For the rug itself, get a carpet cleaner and start cleaning. If you don’t have one sitting around your home, you can usually rent them from a local shop around you for the day! Another method that works wonders for a light refresh is baking soda. Sprinkle it all over the area and let it sit for 10-20 minutes and then run the vacuum back over it a time or two.
3. Reorganize that junk drawer (or two)
We’ve all got ’em, that drawer tucked away somewhere in your kitchen filled to the brim with the most random, but essential, items. From pens to scrap paper, bills, random chords and gum pull it all out and reorganize! You may find that you can throw a decent amount of it away and free up quite a bit of space. Hit up your local Walmart or Target for some cheap organizers to keep everything in its right place.

4. Laundry
I’m not talking about clothes… hopefully those are washed more than just for spring cleaning! Things like drapes, pillow covers as mentioned before, pillows, shower curtains, etc. A lot of these items do have strict washing instructions as not to ruin them, so do this wisely. But most items can handle a quick dryer run. Throw these items into the dryer on air-dry only (little to no heat) and throw in a dryer sheet. This will give these soft items a quick refresh and a nice scent in the home. Be sure to take them out as soon as they’re done to avoid wrinkles.
5. Dust!
Although I know that a lot of people dust in sight items frequently, but when is the last time you looked at that ceiling fan? Take the time to dust things like fans, window blinds, top of the fridge, etc. Dust builds up much quicker than you think, especially if you have pets bringing it all in from outside. Also a great time to replace your filters to stop from new dust ruining your clean surfaces!
6. Organize your closets
Now is the time to go through all of those closets around the house. From clothing to shoes to linen closets, I’m talking about all of them! Go through your clothes and shoes. I am sure that there are at least a few in there that you haven’t worn in ages. I find it easiest to take everything out (sometimes you gotta make a mess, to clean the mess). As you are putting things back where they go, you are simultaneously getting rid of the old while reorganizing the space as you put the rest back away. Do the same thing with your linen closets. It always feels great opening up a door and not being worried about what might fall on you! Take everything you no longer need to your local thrift store or anywhere else that you know is collecting lightly used items.

7. Outdoor spaces
Spring is here which means summer is close behind. Take the time to look outside. Wipe down all of the furniture, clean the grill, pull some weeds and power wash your patio/deck. Get your yard ready for those long summer nights!
8. Windows
Take a look at your windows. That is definitely one area that can easily get ignored. Get some windex and clean the inside of all the windows in your home. Don’t forget about the outside though! Places like Home Depot and Lowe’s have all sorts of handy items to help you clean the outside glass. From long reach sprayers to brushes, you can find anything you may need to get the job done, and get those windows sparkling. Don’t forget the screens!
I am sure the list could go on and on, but these are some of the biggest items that will freshen up your home after a long winter inside. Don’t feel overwhelmed trying to get everything done quickly! Take it room by room. Even if it takes you a few days, just doing a little bit each day. A little can go a long way!